TATA Power-DDL brings in its in-house experience of transforming the Delhi Power Distribution sector by adoption of technical and commercial innovations which has resulted in reduction of AT&C losses by 84% and the experience of leveraging this expertise to benefit other utilties.
TATA Power-DDL has carried out Preparation of Detailed Project Report and Project Management Consultancy Services under Government of India (GoI) schemes, namely Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program (RAPDRP) Part-A and Part-B, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) meant for rural electrification works, National Electricity Fund (NEF), Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY) and Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) and National Smart Grid mission (NSGM).
SL | Name of Project | Country | Duration | Client |
1 | Implementation of the Corporate Restructuring of Nigeria Electricity Power Authority (NEPA) now PHCN (Power Holding Company of Nigeria), Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Abuja (2006) | Nigeria | 8 months | Power Holding Company of Nigeria |
2 | Master Plan preparation for Energy Access for EDCL (2017) | Rwanda | 4 months | EDCL Rwanda |
3 | Project Management Consultancy services for the Puri Nabakalebar Project (PNP), Odisha, India for Up gradation works of 33KV Network, Substations, 11KV & LT network and UG cabling with SCADA- DMS-OMS. (2014-2016) | India | 2 years | OPTCL, Odisha |
4 | Management Consultancy for conversion of existing overhead electrical system (High Tension & Low Tension transmission lines) into underground electrical system in Tirwa District and Saifai District of State Uttar Pradesh, India. (2013-2017) | India | 4 years | DVVNL, Uttar Pradesh |
5 | DPR Preparation and Project Management Consultancy Services under Distribution Infrastructure Improvement Projects for DDUGJY and IPDS Schemes for GOA Electricity Department (2014-2018) | India | 4 years | GED, Goa |
6 | DPR Preparation and Project Management Consultancy Services under DDUGJY and IPDS Schemes for CSPDCL, DISCOM in the state of Chhattisgarh (2015 - 2018) | India | 3 years | CSPDCL |
7 | Project Management Consultancy Services under DDUGJY and IPDS Schemes for 5 DISCOMs of Karnataka (2015-2018) | India | 3 years | HESCOM, BESCOM, CSECOM, GESCOM, MESCOM |
8 | Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation and PMC under distribution infrastructure improvement for DDUGJY and IPDS schemes for 8 districts of MPMKVVCL, DISCOM of Madhya Pradesh (2015 - 2017) | India | 2 years | MPMKVVCL |
9 | DPR preparation and PMC under distribution infrastructure improvement for DDUGJY and IPDS schemes for 9 districts of WBSEDCL (2015 – 2018) | India | 3 years | WBSEDCL |
10 | PMC services for Load Flow studies with existing system, projected load growth of each feeder, estimation of project cost indicating the bill of material required for each feeder and preparation of complete DPR | Haryana | 11 Months | UHBVN |
11 | Project Management Consultancy for Turnkey execution as deposit work including supply, erection, commissioning, Design, Engineering, Inspection and supervision of various electrical work | Chandigarh | 18 Months | CED |